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Book of Heaven Playlist


Jesus and Luisa writing the Book of Heaven for almost forty years.
Jesus and Luisa writing the Book of Heaven for almost forty years.

Our Lord Jesus Christ lovingly revealed to the Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta, the most profound truths of His Most Holy and Divine Will. In her diary, The Book of Heaven, Luisa shares the greatest promise of the Our Father prayer—the coming of God’s Kingdom, the Kingdom of the Divine Will.

For nearly forty years, Jesus dictated to Luisa the most beautiful and profound teachings on living in His Divine Will. These 36 volumes are now available on YouTube, so you can listen to them as often as you like, letting these heavenly truths fill your mind, heart, and soul.

To help you explore the over 2,000 entries in The Book of Heaven more easily, we have created an indexed guide to the videos. You can find it here:

Check out these amazing and enlightening passages!


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